Zope at the turnpike of the Python 3 wonderland

A little tale Once upon the time there was an earl named Zope II. He lived happily in a land called Python 2. Since some years there where rumours that a huge disaster would hit the country. The pe… Read more


Python text for journeyman programmer

This book provides a reader with a holistic and in-depth knowledge of the Python language. It explains how methods and functions are related, how sequences can be created elegantly, the tools for functional programming, how user defined objects can be no ...

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Python Switch Statement

What is a switch? The switch is a statement that evaluates the accuracy or similarity of the value of a certain input. But isn’t that the same thing that the if statement does? Let’s see this statement starting with bash scripting lang... (more…)

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Reshaping Data in Python

I really enjoyed Jean-Nicholas Hould’s article on Tidy Data in Python, which in turn is based on this paper on Tidy Data by Hadley Wickham…...

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