X2 Framework for Node.js

We are ecstatic to announce the arrival of our newest product: the X2 Framework for Node.js! Designed and developed in-house by our VP of R&D, Lev Gimelfarb, X2 is a collection of modules published with NPM and designed to provide a complete toolset f… Read more


How to Send Ethereum Using Node and Web3

<p>In order to send Ethereum from one wallet to another, we need to have the following things in line: Generating Ethereum test wallets. Funding Ethereum in a test wallet. Ethereum blockchain test net environment. Program to transfer fund. Let&#... (more…)

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Node v7.10.0 Released

Windows 32-bit Installer: https://nodejs.org/dist/v7.10.0/node-v7.10.0-x86.msi Windows 64-bit Installer: https://nodejs.org/dist/v7.10.0/node-v7.10.0-x64.msi Windows 32-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v7.10.0/win-x86/node.exe Windows 64-bit Binary: ht... (more…)

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