Writing R Extensions in Rust

This paper complements “Writing R Extensions,” the official guide for writing
R extensions, for those interested in developing R packages using Rust. It
highlights idiosyncrasies of R and Rust that must be addressed by any
integration and describes how to… Read more


Best way to learn Rust programming

Here's my advice, aside from the usual advice of "Just read The Book!": Read Amos Wegner's A half-hour to learn Rust Go through Richard Anaya's Tour of Rust Checkout the Rustlings repo and do all the exercises, referring to The Book when necessary Get... (more…)

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Learn Rust the Dangerous Way

LRtDW is a series of articles putting Rust features in context for low-level C programmers who maybe don’t have a formal CS background — the sort of people who work on firmware, game engines, OS kernels, and the like. Basically, people like me. (more…)

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