Write Rust lints without forking Clippy

Write Rust lints without forking Clippy Samuel Moelius – Staff Engineer… Read more


24 days of Rust – Cursive

Day 14 - cursive My first programming IDE back in the 90s was Borland Turbo Pascal. Since the PC that I used at that time was running MS-DOS, it meant no graphical interface. I was so surprised when I ran turbo.exe for the first time and saw complex menus...

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Rust to WebAssembly, Made Easy

Compiling Rust to WebAssembly is still difficult. On macOS, there are weird bugs that require reinstalling LLVM and moving files around. On Linux, the official Emscripten binary in many cases isn’t bundled with the right LLVM, and the fix is to compile fr... (more…)

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