Why Typing Erlang is Hard (and what can we do about it)

I heard before that Erlang and the BEAM did not pack a static type system
because their creators “couldn’t build it”. Read more


Simple slug generator in Erlang

In Erlang, we are going to write a small module called ‘slug.erl’ which can handle all of this. Our home-spun routine will yield a quasi-random string of characters & with that, we can let our imagination run wild with what to do with the results.

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Erlang/Elixir Syntax: A Crash Course

This is a quick introduction to the Elixir syntax for Erlang developers and vice-versa. It is the absolute minimum amount of knowledge you need in order to understand Elixir/Erlang code, support interoperability, read the docs, sample code, etc. (more…)

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