If you have a large collection of data and have to do similar computations on each element, data parallelism is an easy way to speedup computation using multiple CPUs and machines as well as GPU(s). While this is not the only kind of parallelism, it cover... (more…)
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Seven years ago, four individuals came together to create a fast and expressive programming language to compete with the likes of R, Matlab, Python and about three dozen other dynamic tools. Their work gave birth to the Julia programming language. Anthony...
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I recently gave a Why Julia? talk to a roomful of computational fluid dynamicists and astrophysicists. (http://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/transturb17/gibson/, Kavli Institute, UCSB 2017-02-02). I got two main skeptical responses. One Python expert in ... (more…)
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