When a Vim plugin is dragging down performance but don’t know which, profile it

so that stuff read/seen don’t get muddled up with time – abhishekkr/tutorials_as_code… Read more


Lisp in Vim with Slimv or Vlime

Fifteen years ago, writing Lisp code in Vim was an odd adventure. There were no good plugins for Vim that assisted in structured editing of Lisp s-expressions or allowed interactive programming by embedding a Lisp Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) or a debugge... (more…)

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Hagoromo Chalks, Progress and Vim

Are all old things worse? In previous posts such as Progress, tools & two cultures, The Notion of Progress and User Interfaces and A personal reflection on Vim , I argue that while some things get better in the world of software and programming, this... (more…)

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