What’s new in Java 12, 13 and 14

The release cycle of Java has changed quite dramatically recently, meaning we’re getting new features at a more rapid pace than earlier. If you still hadn’t had the time to read up on what’s been going on the last releases, look no further! Read more


Jshell: exploring Java 9 REPL

Remember the days when you need to write at least one class to test a small snippet of Java code ?! well, this days will be soon from the past once java 9 is released. JShell is the first official Java REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop), a command line tool that... (more…)

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Overloading Operators in Java

As with many programming languages such as C, C++ and C# (known commonly as the C family), it is possible to “overload methods” (sometimes called functions if not used in classes, such as C) in order to take a different amount of parameters so that they c... (more…)

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