What higher-kinded types might look like in Rust

This post is a continuation of my posts discussing the topic of associated type constructors (ATC) and higher-kinded types (HKT): The first post focused on i…


Why Not Rust for Security?

I read a Why Not Rust? article the other day that was quite good but dismissed the most important reason to use a language to me: security. After having worked on a Rust codebase for almost two years now, I thought I would chime in, even though I'll prefa... (more…)

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It’s Raining Rust at Red Hat

I know it's been a while since I've put out a post and mostly because I'm trying to learn amazing things and get my hands dirty, trying to build solutions that actually make sense. One such pet-project has been Rust, probably the fastest growing systems l... (more…)

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