What happens when you use RxJS in React?

The ReactiveX Observable model allows you to treat streams of asynchronous events with the same sort of simple, composable operations that……


Using IndexedDB with React (and Hooks)

If you're new in React and you want to build an app with IndexedDB as your database, you're on the right page. In this article, we'll be looking at building a very small application which will add and remove items from an IndexedDB database, and upda... (more…)

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React Component Lifecycle

This is third and final part of my introduction to React without using any code. With this being the third part, I will assume you have some understanding of React. If you don’t, go check out part 1… (more…)

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Understand how React hooks work

The reason hooks cause developers to struggle is that they look simple, just basic functions, but they are a lot more complex than that. The complex logic is very well hidden in the React core, but understanding a little how they work will help you to use... (more…)

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