WASM Binary Module Loader for Webpack

A simple .wasm binary file loader for Webpack. Import your wasm modules directly into your bundle as Constructors
returning of WebAssembly.Instance. This avoids the need of using fetch and parse for your wasm files. Imported wasm files
are converted to Ui… Read more


Create a typescript project using webpack 3

Hello again guys. This time we will create a typescript project using webpack 3. The typescript version I use in this example is 2.4.2 which is the latest typescript version at the time I am writing this article. I've got the idea for creating this articl... (more…)

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Inspecting the Webpack Bundle

To ensure a great user experience it is important to keep the initial page load as  fast as possible. There are two main ways of doing this; one is to reduce the number of file requests made when t… (more…)

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