Voting with Docker: A Little Break from the Election

You may have heard, there’s an election for president (and many other posts) going on in the US today. For those who already voted, who want a break from voting, or just want to create a new quiz for their … Continued…


Getting started with Docker and Node.js

Today we are going to continue on and "dockerize" our Node.js API that we created in a previous post. This will keep a consistent and deployable API that scales easily. "Hitmen for your product, we take care of the stuff your team can't" Email... (more…)

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Docker in 10 Minutes

I've been exposed to docker on and off and every time I see it, I seem to need a refresher. In this article we will go through everything you need to know about Docker in order to either jump into and existing project or get started with using it. (more…)

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Docker Reference Architecture

The Docker Container as a Service (CaaS) platform delivers a secure, managed application environment for developers to build, ship, and run enterprise applications and custom business processes. In the “build” part of this process, there are design and or... (more…)

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