Visualizations: Comparing Tableau, SPSS, R, Excel, Matlab, JS, Python, SAS

Here we ask you to identify which tool was used to produce the following 18 charts: 4 were done with R, 3 with SPSS, 5 with Excel, 2 with Tableau, 1 with Matla……


Awesome Python Talks

awesome-python-talks - :clapper: :mortar_board: An opinionated list of awesome videos related to Python, with a focus on training and gaining hands-on experience. (more…)

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Python Flask Routing

<p>In the last tutorial, we have learned about setting the Flask local development environment. In this tutorial, we are going to cover the Flask routers. Routers are simply a way to assign URLs to functions. Every web framework provides routing and... (more…)

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