Vim Anti-Patterns That Cause Beginners To :Quit

As much as I can recommend vim since I made the switch many years ago, there’s a bunch of anti-patterns I’ve commited myself (and later saw others repeat them), which often resulted in frustration and writing off the idea, perhaps prematurely. It’s a sham… Read more


At least one Vim trick you might not know

I’ve been using Vim for eight years and am still discovering new things. This is usually seen as a Good Thing About Vim. In my head, though, it’s a failing of discoverability: I keep discovering new things because Vim makes it so hard to know what’s avail... (more…)

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Vim It Up

A collection of dotfile scripts, plugins, and clever hacks so that you can become the master of your own OS! 🚀 - GitHub - Torbet/Vim-It-Up: A collection of dotfile scripts, plugins, and clever hack... (more…)

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