Vim 8.0.1238 adds highlighting of all matches while incremental searching

We recommend upgrading to the latest Safari, Google Chrome, or Firefox. Read more


Persistent Undo in Vim

about a 2 minute This post presents a chapter from my upcoming book Mastering Vim Quickly: From WTF to OMG in no time As you already saw in the chapter on Undo/redo, Vim is pretty powerful when it comes to these features. However, there’s one more feature... (more…)

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Vim vs. Emacs: The Working Directory

Vim and Emacs have different internals models for the current working directory, and these models influence the overall workflow for each editor. They decide how files are opened, how shell commands are executed, and how the build system is operated. Thes... (more…)

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A Vim Puff Piece

Because code is a largely unseen feature of modern times, it's easy to forget that software engineers are quite literally building the digital world by hand. It's lost on most of us programmers when we log into our computers each morning that the task we ... (more…)

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