Using libgccjit to make Emacs 2.3x to 42x faster [pdf]

Emacs Lisp (Elisp) is the Lisp dialect used by the Emacs text editor family.
GNU Emacs can currently execute Elisp code either interpreted or
byte-interpreted after it has been compiled to byte-code. In this work we
discuss the implementation of an optimi… Read more


Using Emacs in an IDE World

I remember the sad day that I finally gave up on using Emacs for Java development at work. I had spent hours trying to configure it to properly index all of the files so that I could go to definition easily. My mentor, the old Lisp guy with the insane ini... (more…)

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Non-GNU Elpa Emacs Package Repository

Ever since package.el became the standard package manager for Emacs, there has been an official Emacs package repository called GNU ELPA. As of the time of this writing it hosts around 280 packages. A respectable number, but quite far from the 5000 packag... (more…)

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