Using Infura with Node and Web3

<p>Infura is a SaaS-based application offers development suits for Ethereum and IPFS platform. By using Infura, you don&#8217;t need to worry about setting up your own nodes in the machine to participate in the network. You can use Infura servic… Read more


Breaking the Node.js event loop

Asynchronous programming is difficult to wrap your mind around: threads, semaphores, and deadlocks, oh my! On one hand, Node.js makes this a whole lot easier: no locking or mid-execution interruptions. But its event loop is foreign territory. Let’s explo... (more…)

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Getting Started with WebAssembly in Node.js

WebAssembly is an exciting new language that many JavaScript engines have added support for. WebAssembly promises to make it much easier to compile languages like C and C++ to something that runs in the browser. However, I'm most excited about the ability... (more…)

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