Using PostgreSQL's statistics to get a loose page count — I assume you have already read Optimizing the Django Admin Paginator. If not, this is basically the take-away from that article: class... (more…)
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One of the goals of the Psycopg 3 project is to make easy to port code
developed from Psycopg 2. For this reason the creation of a Django backend
(the module you specify in the settings as your database ENGINE) was
a project with a double goal: (more…)
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Highlights from the PyCon2020 video on optimizing Django and Python performance with Postgres superpowers. Covers django-debug-toolbar, Postgres logs, pg_stat_statements, avoiding loops in Django, keyset pagination, & other useful PyCon resources from... (more…)
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How to setup Django with Webpack, without plugins to glue them together, leveraging both Django static _and_ Webpack. (more…)
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In this post we'll quickly bootstrap a Django Project using Cookiecutter and then deploy the app on Fedora.
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