Under the hood of Linkerd’s state-of-the-art Rust proxy

Thanks in part to Linkerd’s performance numbers and stellar security audit report, there’s been a recent surge of interest in Linkerd2-proxy, the underlying proxy used by Linkerd. I’ve been working on Linkerd2-proxy for the majority of my time as a Linker… Read more


Rust Ray Tracer, an Update (and SIMD)

About a month ago I ported my C99 ray tracer side project to Rust. The initial port went smoothly, and I’ve now been plugging away adding features and repeatedly rewriting it in my spare hours. In parallel I’m getting up to speed on a large, production Ru... (more…)

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Not-yet-Awesome Rust

A curated list of Rust code and resources that do NOT exist yet, but would be beneficial to the Rust community. - GitHub - not-yet-awesome-rust/not-yet-awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and... (more…)

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