Twistrs – Domain name enumeration library in Rust

Twistr is a Domain name permutation and enumeration library powered by Rust. It aims to directly port the well-known dnstwist tool allowing for fast and flexible interfacing capabilities with the core libraries based on client’s requirements. Read more


Making Async Rust Reliable

Last year was an important year for Async Rust, culminating in the release of async fn in traits, one of Rust’s most long-awaited language features. I’m really proud of the work and expertise the Async Working Group has put in to this effort, and for the ... (more…)

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24 days of Rust – hound

My engineering diploma involved some digital signal processing (DSP), in particular sound generation and recognition. Throughout my studies I went through a ton of audio files, usually using C++ to process them. I've written a custom .wav file loader, of ...

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Why Rust?

Not because our hardware is complex, but simply because we’re all humans. Our attention span is limited, our memory is volatile — in other words, we tend to make mistakes. Computers and software are… (more…)

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Async Exceptions in Haskell, and Rust

Haskell and Rust both support asynchronous programming. Haskell includes a feature called async exceptions, which allow cancelling threads, but they come at a cost. See how Rust does the same job, and the relative trade-offs of each approach. (more…)

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