A fun-to-play standard tic tac toe for two human players, both at the same device using Python script - Raghav332004/Tic-Tac-Toe... (more…)
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This is a story about how very difficult it is to build concurrent programs. It’s also a story about a bug in Python’s Queue class, a class which happens to be the easiest way to make concurrency simple in Python. This is not a happy story: this is a trag... (more…)
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Travis Oliphant is a data scientist, entrepreneur, and creator of NumPy, SciPy, and Anaconda. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:- Novo... (more…)
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Whenever I started learning about parsing and writing interpreters, I would get to how to handle comments. The gist of it was simple: just throw them out! You find them in the raw text output as you are generating lexing tokens, and discard them, meaning ... (more…)
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