In Rust, if I want to print some 32-bit unsigned value in hex, with the leading 0x, padded out with zeros, I would write that as: (more…)
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I think there isn't a developer out there that hasn't used at least one of the relational databases available out there, but do they really know how they work. I bet not. To be honest, a lot of what… (more…)
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Canrun is a new logic programming library for Rust with static types and constraints. (more…)
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If a memory object has only one pointer to it, that pointer is the owner
of the memory object. With the single owner, it becomes straightforward to
manage the memory for the object. It also becomes trivial to synchronize access
to that memory object am... (more…)
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6502 emulator written in Rust, to get a first taste of the language. - jfoucher/rust-6502... (more…)
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