Testing in Node.js by example using the SOLID principles

An example application I'm going to outline an example to make the concept clearer: You need to send a recurring email to some users (a newsletter for example), based on some business logic The business logic / user story could say: &a… Read more


HTML in Node.js

Sometimes we can be using a technology for years and not realize that it hides some small, yet super useful, feature deep inside. This is also true for Node.js and its `require()`. Did you know that it allows you to import HTML files into your JavaScript ... (more…)

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A curious case of memory leak in a Node.js app

This is a story of a bug I had an opportunity to fix in the ancient times of node.js 0.10. The new and shiny node.js 0.12 was still just glimmering somewhere on the horizon, we were still young and beautiful. Some of us, at least.

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