(Talk) Kalai Transpiler from Clojure to Rust / Java

What features of Clojure would you take with you, if you couldn’t write Clojure? Other languages have only adopted bits and pieces of the Clojure way of prog… Read more


Why Not Rust for Security?

I read a Why Not Rust? article the other day that was quite good but dismissed the most important reason to use a language to me: security. After having worked on a Rust codebase for almost two years now, I thought I would chime in, even though I'll prefa... (more…)

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Rust for C#/.NET Developers

This is a (non-comprehensive) guide for C# and .NET developers that are completely new to the Rust programming language. Some concepts and constructs translate fairly well between C#/.NET and Rust, but which may be expressed differently, whereas others ar... (more…)

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