Swift: Precise Control Flags over Compiler Warnings

This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language. – swiftlang/swift-evolution… Read more


Ceph vs. Swift… not a rivalry

A few years ago, I kept hearing casual conversations about Ceph vs Swift. “Ceph’s going to win out and Swift will fade.” “Ceph cannot be used to scale out cloud storage.” Some called it a rivalry. I found it funny considering very few enterprises were act... (more…)

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Swift ARKit Sun iPhone App for Londoners

If you happen to be one of the lucky people living in London you couldn’t miss we’ve had a bit of a sunlight crisis [not just recently]. Instead of the usual vitamin D deficiency which we are used to being brought to our attention during regular health ch... (more…)

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Swift ImGUI

Swift wrapper around Dear imgui for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows - GitHub - ctreffs/SwiftImGui: Swift wrapper around Dear imgui for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows... (more…)

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