What she has taught my patients about how to shake it off — and why nobody can calm down. (more…)
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Make complex Swift Enums Encodable and Decodable for saving data to disk or interacting with Web APIs. (more…)
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Swift for TensorFlow is TensorFlow, implemented in Swift. Its Python counterpart (“TensorFlow”) is one of the best deep learning libraries ever made, but it’s hitting its limits. Python, being interpreted, is quite a slow language. Python is also limiting... (more…)
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If you happen to be one of the lucky people living in London you couldn’t miss we’ve had a bit of a sunlight crisis [not just recently]. Instead of the usual vitamin D deficiency which we are used to being brought to our attention during regular health ch... (more…)
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In order for us to truly live to our potentials, we must strive for what our heart wants. Passion plays a big role in our lives; it opens doors for us to fully make the most of our capabilities and carries us to places where we want to be. Being in the in... (more…)
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