How Swift 5.5 enables computed properties to become either throwing or asynchronous, and what sort of situations that these new capabilities could become useful in. (more…)
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An introduction lecture into the Swift Type System focusing on the differences between it and the Objective-C Type System.Subscribe and ring the bell to not ... (more…)
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Swift Playgrounds is a revolutionary app for Mac and iPad that makes it fun to learn and experiment with code. You solve interactive puzzles in the guided “Learn to Code” lessons to master the basics of coding, or experiment with a wide range of challeng... (more…)
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You can nest property wrapers in Swift, but it's difficult. NSHipster has a great article about all things property wrappers, and the summary of trying to compose them (which others have echoed) is that it's hard and prone to compiler errors... (more…)
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Declaratively build and send client requests for REST APIs in Swift. - GitHub - tdeleon/Relax: Declaratively build and send client requests for REST APIs in Swift. (more…)
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