Stardog graph db says goodbye to Java GC

The main problem of all heavily-loaded Java applications which operate on a huge amount of data is memory management. We solve this problem with a new, byte-based memory management scheme that will debut in the upcoming Stardog 5 release. Read more


What’s new in Java 12, 13 and 14

The release cycle of Java has changed quite dramatically recently, meaning we're getting new features at a more rapid pace than earlier. If you still hadn't had the time to read up on what's been going on the last releases, look no further! (more…)

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FOMO: Java Module Edition

tl;dr version: Skip the FOMO on the Java module system. If Oracle makes a push to enhance it or otherwise invest in the system, it might make sense to revisit. Until then, enjoy the tiny JVMs produced by jlink and don’t worry about the rest. (more…)

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Tiered Attribution for javac – Java 9

In Java 8, the implementation of type-checking at compiler level was based on Speculative Attribution. In Speculative Attribution, the same tree can be type-checked against multiple targets at runtime. This is particularly used in target typing for lambda... (more…)

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