Someone’s been messing with Python’s floating point subnormals

TL;DR: After noticing an annoying warning, I went on an absurd yak shave, and discovered that because of a tiny handful of Python packages b… Read more


Python 1.0.0, released 31 years ago

--> Frustrated with Bourne shell syntax?--> Spent too much time staring at core dumps lately?Maybe you should try Python, the next generation object-orientedscripting and prototyping language, with a *readable* syntax. Pythonhas been used by hundre... (more…)

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Getting Started with Python Right

I've gone through a gazillion ways to setup Python, ensure I've gotten the right version installed on MacOS. This is a quick guide I've put together if you're getting started or looking at a more defacto set way to get it installed. I've added links for L... (more…)

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