Here a guide on how to set up a docker to test out varnish HTTP/2 request smuggling including the link to the github repo. (more…)
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Welcome to a new series of articles that will take you on a journey to generate beautiful looking dashboards using Grafana. We'll take the readings from the metrics the things in your house are already generating such as your home server, IoT devices (Nes... (more…)
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Docker became very popular in the last few years for being such a flexible tool to isolate processes in so called containers. If you haven't played with it yet, I highly recommend you to watch my free course on Docker Security. But if you have, I'd like t...
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As the pioneer in container-based application development technology, Docker has revolutionized how developers build, share and run applications. Docker Personal makes the Docker platform accessible to individuals, students and educators, non-profit organ... (more…)
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With a couple of tweaks the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux, also known as Bash for Windows) can be used with Docker for Windows. (more…)
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