When we study history in high school, we read about the history of machine guns, cars, printing press, etc. I imagine that some time in the future, students may sit down and read about the early progr... (more…)
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This is a problem folks new to Python have, and sometimes can't articulate that they have it. They don't know which package is the "right" o... (more…)
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Is it possible to hit a million requests per second with Python? Probably not until recently.
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Upload and changes to Python 0.9.1 release (from 1991!) so that it would compile - smontanaro/python-0.9.1... (more…)
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The purpose of this task to code and validate an implementation of the MD5 Message Digest Algorithm by coding the algorithm directly (not using a call to a built-in or external hashing library). For details of the algorithm refer to MD5 on Wikipedia or th... (more…)
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