Rust vs. C++ Formatting

In Rust, if I want to print some 32-bit unsigned value in hex, with the leading 0x, padded out with zeros, I would write that as: Read more


Inviting God’s Wrath with Cursed Rust

This article is a story about optimising the size and performance of std::borrow::Cow<T> in Rust. It requires some basic knowledge of programming Rust, but doesn’t require any knowledge of the kind of low-level details of Rust’s compilation model. W... (more…)

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Why Developers Love Rust

Rust has been getting a lot of media attention recently. It has been voted the most loved language for five years running, and it grew in use on Github by 235% from 2018 to 2019. Large companies such as Mozilla, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, a... (more…)

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