Rust Through the Ages

How has Rust changed over the years? It’s been nine years since 1.0 was released (well, next week, technically). In that time, there have been 78 major releases and two editions, with a third due later this year. Quite a lot has changed! Those changes hav… Read more


A guide to error handling in Rust

Error handling in Rust is a bit of an intermediate topic. That is in part because error handling in any language is actually more complicated than it seems, partly because it is a still-evolving part of the language and std libs (and therefore a lot of st... (more…)

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Rust to .NET compiler – Progress update

The past few months have been quite chaotic, both for the Rust to .NET compiler backend I am working on, and for me personally. As I am writing this article, I am in the metaphorical eye of the hurricane - I have just graduated high school, and I will be ... (more…)

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