Rust GCC back end was officially accepted into the compiler

Proposal rustc_codegen_gcc is a new code generation backend for rustc using the libgccjit library from GCC. (Despite its name, libgccjit works for ahead-of-time compilation as well.) rustc_codegen_… Read more


Revisiting a ‘Smaller Rust’

A bit over a year ago, I wrote some notes on a “smaller Rust” - a higher level language that would take inspiration from some of Rust’s type system innovations, but would be simpler by virtue of targeting a domain with less stringent requirements for user... (more…)

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Cooperative multitasking in Rust

I've implemented coroutines and python like generators in Rust (with a bit of assembly). This code was done as a learning exercise more than as something intended for production. There are already several libraries in Rust that do approximately the same ... (more…)

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