Russian Morphology for Java

Russian morphology for Java. Contribute to demidko/aot development by creating an account on GitHub. Read more


The “Split Strings” Challenge Using Java

The challenge Complete the solution so that it splits the string into pairs of two characters. If the string contains an odd number of characters then it should replace the missing second character of the final pair with an underscore (‘_’). Examples: Tes... (more…)

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The Modern Java Platform

Many developers were burned by the overly complex world of Java back in the early 2000s. The Gang of Four patterns and middleware / J2EE / Java EE led to ridiculous levels of alleged decoupling as is evident in this sequence diagram from an open source J... (more…)

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Improving on Types: Specing a Java Library

Good application developers use existing libraries rather than reinventing every wheel. This is particularly true on the JVM, where there are a huge number of wheels to choose from. So in addition to writing good code, developers need be able to ass... (more…)

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