Running a Bakery on Emacs and PostgreSQL

Just over a year ago now, I finally opened the bakery I’d been dreaming of for years. It’s been a big change in my life, from spending all my time sat in front of a computer, to spending most of it making actual stuff. And stuff that makes people happy, a… Read more


What’s in an Emacs Lambda

There was recently some interesting discussion about correctly using backquotes to express a mixture of data and code. Since lambda expressions seem to evaluate to themselves, what’s the difference? For example, an association list of operations: (more…)

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Controlling Link Opening in Emacs

Multiple Emacs modes recognize URIs so that you can follow them in a web browser, usually with a mouse left click. In modes that do not support it, one can still call browse-url-at-point interactively with the cursor positioned on a URI. I wanted to make ... (more…)

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