Run Analyses Directly from Big CSVs in Julia

Big data is an overloaded term.  Here at Julia For Data Science, we’ll loosely define it as: Big data is any dataset (or collection of datasets) that requires you to change how you analyze it because of its size.For example, I am writing this post on a la… Read more


The Motivation for Julia

I guess I can give some historical motivation here. When we started working on Julia in 2009, the Python ecosystem was nowhere near where it is today: PyPy was pretty new (1.0 release 2007, the first version to be able to run any substantial Python app... (more…)

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Computer Algebra in Julia

Recently, the place of the main programming language for scientific and engineering computations has been little by little taken by Julia. Some users want to work completely within the Julia framework as they work within the Python framework. There are li... (more…)

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