Code readability is a big thing. Developers spend a lot of our time reading code: other peoples code, our own code, code we have never seen before, etc. Writing code in a way that is as readable as possible can help save everyone on your team a lot of tim... (more…)
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A tool to help migrate JavaScript code quickly and conveniently to TypeScript - airbnb/ts-migrate... (more…)
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The latest version of ECMAScript has added 3 new Logical Assignment Operators to JavaScript (logical nullish, AND and OR operators). Let us explore these. (more…)
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I didn't much care for vanilla JavaScript prior to ES6. Through all of the 2000s, I chased different approaches to avoid writing too much of it. First there was RJS (Ruby-to-JavaScript). Then there was CoffeeScript. Both transpiling approaches that turned... (more…)
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A collaborative project that allows people to use alternative year numbering systems in existing digital texts (ebooks and web sites) instead of BC dates that are backwards and unintuitive. - Detec... (more…)
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