Rust is often critiqued as a not a very productive programming language. It is true that there is a bit of a learning curve to be able to program in Rust; but beyond that, I think it pays off in productivity; and massively I must say. I haven’t... | Abid ... (more…)
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As a C++ developer, we already have some common understandings which would really makes it easier to dive into Rust with the C++ wording. (more…)
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In this post, we start exploring CPU exceptions. Exceptions occur in various erroneous situations, for example when accessing an invalid memory address or when dividing by zero. To catch them, we have to set up an interrupt descriptor table that provides ... (more…)
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Scipio is a thread-per-core framework that aims to make the task of writing highly parallel asynchronous application in a thread-per-core architecture easier for rustaceans - DataDog/scipio... (more…)
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We looked at the history of Rust and talked to Steve Klabnik and Ashley Williams, two current members of the Rust core team. (more…)
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