React Internals (Part 2) – Reconciliation algorithm until React 15

The previous article in the series is a prerequisite to understanding this one. It introduces you to terms and concepts that will be used extensively in this article. I will also link to further reading resources, React docs and sources for writing t… Read more


Hooks for those who know React

Hooks are not a new concept in React - they are a re-implementation (a new API) for state and side effects in React that better aligns with two existing concepts in react: the concept of Components as the primitive model for UIs, and of these components b... (more…)

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Comparing Svelte and React

Last year I created Pomodone, a small time tracking application based on the Pomodoro technique of working in 25 minute intervals. It's a pretty basic app; it has a 25 minute timer (that runs in a Web Worker) and saves a history of your "poms" to a small ... (more…)

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