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Many of us use password managers to securely store our many unique passwords. A critical part of a password manager is the master password. This password protects all others, and in that way, it is a risk. Anyone who has it can pretend to be you… anywhere... (more…)
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In real warfare and strategy games, strategists are faced with a common problem: how to allocate their resources to be the most efficient possible? Let's take an example where we have three resources: 🌾food, 🪵wood, and 🪙gold. We can produce three types of... (more…)
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Streamlit is an awesome new tool that allows engineers to quickly build highly interactive web applications around their data, machine learning models, and pretty much anything. The best thing about… (more…)
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Find answers to the top 10 questions parents ask about TI graphing calculators. (more…)
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