Python’s Reduce(): From Functional to Pythonic Style

In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how Python’s reduce() works and how to use it effectively in your programs. You’ll also learn some more modern, efficient, and Pythonic ways to gently replace reduce() in your programs. Read more


Top Real Python Articles of 2019

We've come to the end of 2019. Python 2 has just a handful of days before it goes unsupported. And I've met up with Dan Bader from to look back at the year of Python articles on his website. We dive into the details behind 10 of his most im... (more…)

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Integer vs. Linear Programming in Python

In real warfare and strategy games, strategists are faced with a common problem: how to allocate their resources to be the most efficient possible? Let's take an example where we have three resources: 🌾food, 🪵wood, and 🪙gold. We can produce three types of... (more…)

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