Python pattern matching: Guards and or-patterns might just not compose well

PEP 622 proposes adding a pattern matching construct to Python. Pattern matching allows the programmer to destructure data with a syntax that mirrors the construction syntax. The proposal brings Python in-line with many other modern programming languages,… Read more


Flying Planes with Python and JavaScript

To allay any concerns: this will not be actually running Python or JavaScript software in the cockpit of a real aircraft in order to effect automated flight: that would kill people. Instead, we’re writing a web page that can control an autopilot running i... (more…)

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Pyodide: Python for the Browser

Subscriptions are the lifeblood of If you appreciate this content and would like to see more of it, your subscription will help to ensure that LWN continues to thrive. Please visit this page to join up and keep LWN on ... (more…)

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