Python Packaging: Why we can’t have nice things – Part 2: Stupid Pipx Tricks

Stupid Pipx Tricks
Pip has a lot of problems (that I’ll be discussing in future posts in this series), but the good news is that you don’t have to resort to heavyweight third-party tools to improve yo… Read more


Subclassing in Python: Redux

The conflict between subclassing and composition is as old as object-oriented programming. The latest crop of languages like Go or Rust prove that you don’t need subclassing to successfully write code. But what’s a pragmatic approach to subclassing in Pyt... (more…)

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Data Science with Python in Visual Studio

Yep, you read that right. Visual Studio isn’t the first thing you think of when you hear “data science”, but that may just change soon. In Visual Studio 2017 they have included several tools together where you can do Python, R, and F# data projects for an... (more…)

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