xlOil provides framework for interacting with Excel in different programming languages (python & C++ currently) - GitHub - cunnane/xloil: xlOil provides framework for interacting with Excel in ... (more…)
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We're working on a new major version of our SDK and are excited to have you test it! It's a total rewrite of the library, so there's a lot of things changing. Please use this discussion page as a p... (more…)
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IBM has enabled Python to run on z/OS. Often touted as the great “glue language” because it can glue large software components together, Python is one of the most popular and fastest growing programming languages. Python’s popularity is driven by it’s sim... (more…)
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I'm tired of not knowing whether I am actually asked for a review, so I'm withdrawing my "ownership" from the core interpreter. Since that would leave the cases generator without owner, I'm volunte... (more…)
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PyPI module 'ctx' that gets downloaded over 20,000 times a week has been compromised in a software supply chain attack with malicious versions stealing the developer's environment variables. Additionally, versions of a 'phpass' fork published to the PHP/C... (more…)
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