Python Mocking, You Are a Tricksy Beast

Python Mocking, You Are A Tricksy Beast. Python mocking there is something unintuitive about you. You are not easy to get to grips with and it takes several “Ah, now I get it!…


OpenAI-Python v1.0.0 Beta

We're working on a new major version of our SDK and are excited to have you test it! It's a total rewrite of the library, so there's a lot of things changing. Please use this discussion page as a p... (more…)

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Python 3.8 on IBM z/OS

IBM has enabled Python to run on z/OS. Often touted as the great “glue language” because it can glue large software components together, Python is one of the most popular and fastest growing programming languages. Python’s popularity is driven by it’s sim... (more…)

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