Python and R vs. SPSS and SAS

When we’re working for clients we mostly come across the statistical programming languages SAS, SPSS, R and Python. Of these SAS and SPSS are probably the most used. However, the interest for the open source languages R and Python is increasing. In recent… Read more


Interactive Web Plotting for Python

Bokeh, a Python interactive visualization library, enables beautiful and meaningful visual presentation of data in modern web browsers. With Bokeh, you can quickly and easily create interactive plots, dashboards, and data applications. (more…)

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Beyond R and Python: Rust for Science

Rust looks like an increasingly important part of the future of scientific programming. It's as fast as C++, as flexible as Python, and does packaging better than even R. It is also very difficult to learn, and demands a lot of cognitive investment. On ba... (more…)

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