The challenge Assume "#" is like a backspace in string. This means that string "a#bc#d" actually is "bd" Your task is to process a string with "#" symbols. Examples Test cases The solution in Java Option 1: Option 2 (using regex): Option 3 (using substrin... (more…)
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Many developers are (or should be) aware that Java processes running inside Linux containers (docker, rkt, runC, lxcfs, etc) don’t behave as expected when we let the JVM ergonomics set the de… (more…)
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Microsoft, along with a number of other major developers, are working to port Java to ARM-based Mac and Windows machines, including upcoming Apple silicon Macs. (more…)
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The software industry styles itself on architecture and construction, but rarely discusses aesthetics. (more…)
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You can use this guide to understand how to connect to and query any database in Java. Covers JDBC API, as well as frameworks like Hibernate, jOOQ or Spring Data. (more…)
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