Not-yet-Awesome Rust

A curated list of Rust code and resources that do NOT exist yet, but would be beneficial to the Rust community. – GitHub – not-yet-awesome-rust/not-yet-awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and… Read more


Rust Closures in FFI

Every now and then when using native libraries from Rust you’ll be asked to pass a callback across the FFI boundary. The reasons are varied, but often this might be done to notify the caller when “interesting” things happen, for injecting logic (see the S... (more…)

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Achieving warp speed with Rust

If you're looking to write fast code in Rust, good news! Rust makes it really easy to write really fast code. The focus on zero-cost abstractions, the lack of implicit boxing and the static memory management means that even naïve code is often faster than... (more…)

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