Modular Formal Verification of Rust Programs with Unsafe Blocks

Rust is a modern systems programming language whose type system guarantees
memory safety. For the sake of expressivity and performance it allows
programmers to relax typing rules temporarily, using unsafe code blocks.
However, in unsafe blocks, the burden… Read more


Rust in .NET Projects

This rust compiler backend(module) emmits valid CIL (.NET IR), enabling you to use Rust in .NET projects. - GitHub - FractalFir/rustc_codegen_clr: This rust compiler backend(module) emmits valid CI... (more…)

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Lib-Ruby-Parser: A Ruby Parser Written in Rust

Contents # Intro Implementation Future improvements C bindings Cpp bindings Node bindings WASM Final thoughts Intro # So, I’m ready to announce that I’ve finished working on a new Ruby parser. It’s called lib-ruby-parser. Key features: It’s fast.... | Ily... (more…)

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Process Spawning Performance in Rust

As part of my PhD studies, I’m working on a distributed task runtime called HyperQueue. Its goal is to provide an ergonomic and efficient way to execute task graphs on High-Performance Computing (HPC) distributed clusters, and one of its duties is to be a... (more…)

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