Mercurial server in Rust, specifically designed to support large monorepos

mononoke – A Mercurial source control server, specifically designed to support large monorepos. Read more


Cell, RefCell, and Interior Mutability in Rust

In my self study of Rust, I’ve run into concepts that are different than anything else I’ve seen in other languages, and have had a hard time wrapping my head around. The purpose and usage of Cell and RefCell is one of those concepts. I said to myself, “w... (more…)

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ELF processing in Rust

A friend posted the following pipeline to find all the firmware files for a set of Linux kernel modules: find /lib/modules/4.9.0-2-amd64/ -name '*.ko' | xargs modinfo -F firmware > /dev/null As an exercise in systems programming, I was curious how... (more…)

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Rust for Linux

Adding support for the Rust language to the Linux kernel. - GitHub - Rust-for-Linux/linux: Adding support for the Rust language to the Linux kernel. (more…)

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